By Gwen Russell Green
Your smile is enough
It is not O.K. to be hurt
It is not what you did
It is not what you didn’t do
It is not what you wore
It is not who you are
Because you are enough
When you become the reason for every problem
When it is never them but always you that is the cause
There is a problem but it is NOT you
You are only the nearest and the easiest target
For rage blazing inside them
You are the outer manifestation
of the pain, disappointment, dissatisfaction
That eats away at the core
of who that other person wishes they were not
You must understand that you are enough
There is always someone who knows that
And who cares
But you must stay connected to those who truly love you
Reach for them
seek them out
Forget false pride. Reject your shame
Those are only smoke and mirrors
Love yourself more than you do those who hurt you
You cannot make another person whole
You cannot fix those whose damage
Cuts deeper than the depth of your love
You did not break them
You cannot save them
What is all important is that you can and you must
Want to save yourself
You are enough
With every shimmering sunset
With every brilliant sunrise
Embrace your own wholeness
Let no one talk you out of it
You were whole before them
You will be whole again without them
Do not believe that you cannot make it on your own
Understand that you really are not alone
Have faith that God’s spirit will lead you
Reach for safety. Reach for peace
Reach and hold on to the love that you owe yourself
Most of all
You must never forget
YOU are enough.
By Gwen Russell Green
Your smile is enough
It is not O.K. to be hurt
It is not what you did
It is not what you didn’t do
It is not what you wore
It is not who you are
Because you are enough
When you become the reason for every problem
When it is never them but always you that is the cause
There is a problem but it is NOT you
You are only the nearest and the easiest target
For rage blazing inside them
You are the outer manifestation
of the pain, disappointment, dissatisfaction
That eats away at the core
of who that other person wishes they were not
You must understand that you are enough
There is always someone who knows that
And who cares
But you must stay connected to those who truly love you
Reach for them
seek them out
Forget false pride. Reject your shame
Those are only smoke and mirrors
Love yourself more than you do those who hurt you
You cannot make another person whole
You cannot fix those whose damage
Cuts deeper than the depth of your love
You did not break them
You cannot save them
What is all important is that you can and you must
Want to save yourself
You are enough
With every shimmering sunset
With every brilliant sunrise
Embrace your own wholeness
Let no one talk you out of it
You were whole before them
You will be whole again without them
Do not believe that you cannot make it on your own
Understand that you really are not alone
Have faith that God’s spirit will lead you
Reach for safety. Reach for peace
Reach and hold on to the love that you owe yourself
Most of all
You must never forget
YOU are enough.