United for Might
By Bob McNeil
“I, Coretta, am wedded
To the man like the prophet
On the summit.”
“I, Betty, am wedded
To the man like the prophet
On Mount Arafat.”
“Destiny again returned our souls
To our mates,
The hemispheres of our love.
“We look at the tier of our birth
And query each of you on earth,
Will you pledge to never remove
The racial print of our heritage
On your personage,
Or will you exchange
Yourself for assimilation’s change?
“Will you stand at Humankind's Podium
With a tongue entranced by democracy
Spirited to recompose those unmelodious haters,
Or will you join the chanters who can’t
Hear notes that emote for peace?
“Will you let bias possess
A grenade burst of a voice,
Or will you let unity sing
To endear all with ears?
“Will you assist Justice thru her ailments,
Or will you assassinate her efforts?
“Both of our souls
Peer at humanity's sphere
And pray that you will follow our belief
That you can end someone’s grief.”
By Bob McNeil
“I, Coretta, am wedded
To the man like the prophet
On the summit.”
“I, Betty, am wedded
To the man like the prophet
On Mount Arafat.”
“Destiny again returned our souls
To our mates,
The hemispheres of our love.
“We look at the tier of our birth
And query each of you on earth,
Will you pledge to never remove
The racial print of our heritage
On your personage,
Or will you exchange
Yourself for assimilation’s change?
“Will you stand at Humankind's Podium
With a tongue entranced by democracy
Spirited to recompose those unmelodious haters,
Or will you join the chanters who can’t
Hear notes that emote for peace?
“Will you let bias possess
A grenade burst of a voice,
Or will you let unity sing
To endear all with ears?
“Will you assist Justice thru her ailments,
Or will you assassinate her efforts?
“Both of our souls
Peer at humanity's sphere
And pray that you will follow our belief
That you can end someone’s grief.”